English — Best Free Linux Web Programming Editors
To build a website common programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP etc are used. These programming can editorbe done on any simple text editor. If you feel little difficult to work on text editor then we use web programming editor or WYSIWYG editor.
Web editor software help to build website easily by highlighting code, they can show instant result right on editor with WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get.), gives code help, this help you build site quickly.
Web programming is common to any OS platform. HTML, PHP, CSS etc are common programming language. If you are Linux user and looking for Web editor software then here are free Linux web editors.
Web editor software help to build website easily by highlighting code, they can show instant result right on editor with WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get.), gives code help, this help you build site quickly.
Web programming is common to any OS platform. HTML, PHP, CSS etc are common programming language. If you are Linux user and looking for Web editor software then here are free Linux web editors.