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xT 27.03.10 18:11 # +0
конфиг исксессии покажи
ko10ok 27.03.10 18:39 # +0
cat .xsession

# ~/.xsession
# Executed by xdm/gdm/kdm at login

/bin/bash --login -i ~/.xinitrc
ko10ok 27.03.10 21:27 # +0
если я что-то не то скинул - прошу не кидаться стульями в меня, ибо сегодня голова болит, что очень сильно мешает думать..
exelens 27.03.10 18:57 # +0
У меня тоже похожее бывает если консольку открыть и в другие окна переключаться
ko10ok 27.03.10 21:25 # +0
оно разбухает по 1-10 килобайт в секунду T_T
lockie 28.03.10 00:36 # +0
Какой дистрибутив?..
Я бы попытался вычислить, что за приложение срётшалит, и устроить ему тёмную.
ko10ok 28.03.10 15:06 # +0
Arch, kde 4.4.1

27.03.10 17:45

ko10okЗагаживается .xsession-error

Должно ли все это идти в ерорлог??

[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 't' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'c' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'c' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'c' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'slash' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'slash' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'slash' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Shift_L' with mask 1
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Shift_L' with mask 1
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Home' with mask 1
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Home' with mask 1
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Home' with mask 1
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin fknotify(2020) KNotify::event: 70 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 71 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 72 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 73 ref= 0
or keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'BackSpace' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'c' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'c' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'a' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'a' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'a' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 't' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 't' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'space' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'space' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'space' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'period' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'period' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'period' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'x' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'x' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'x' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Tab' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive Hotkey Action '19'
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Tab' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive Hotkey Action '19'
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 's' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 's' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 's' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Tab' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive Hotkey Action '19'
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Tab' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive Hotkey Action '19'
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'minus' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'minus' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'e' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'e' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'e' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Tab' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive Hotkey Action '19'
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Return' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin for keyboard statistic receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyPress 'Up' with mask 0
[PLG] Plugin receive KeyRelease 'Up' witkio_http(2172)/kio (TCPSlaveBase) KIO::TCPSlaveBase::disconnectFromHost:
kio_http(2172)/kio (TCPSlaveBase) KIO::TCPSlaveBase::disconnectFromHost:
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] nepomukstrigiservice(2087)/nepomuk (strigi service) Nepomuk::IndexScheduler::setIndexingSpeed: 1 ReducedSpeed
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 74 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 75 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 76 ref= 0
kwin(2015) KWin::Client::killWindow: Client::killWindow(): "glxgears"
kwin(2015) KWin::Workspace::updateClientArea: screens: 1 desktops: 4
kwin(2015) KWin::Workspace::updateClientArea: Done.
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 77 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 78 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 79 ref= 0
knotify(2020) KNotify::event: 80 ref= 0

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