exelens 04.08.2010 00:17
Android — Download: Official Android 2.2 User Guide

Since we’re expecting Android 2.2 to hit Motorola Droid devices starting today, there are probably more than a few of you out there who have no idea what to expect with this latest build. In our opinion, Froyo is the greatest update we’ve seen yet and packs a ton of hidden gems which you may not know about unless you had an opportunity to peruse some expert’s brain or by thumbing through a 336 page official user guide. We have the latter.
Download: AndroidUserGuide.pdf (alt link) (alt link2)
And of course, if you still have questions after browsing this guide, hit us up below!
Cheers Mr Joshua!

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Если бы ещё где-нибудь можно было "скачать" девайс с этим 2.2...